I want to be an adult Little me said Didn't know it would be hard Thought my life would be in order But the more I try it's in disarray Have to watch my parents grow old I'm not strong enough to be alone I really want to make them proud But then I'm scared I might let them down My life's becoming tragic My decisions are too drastic My steps; now hasty My adult hood's just getting started My goals haven't been reached My win these days are brief Then failure comes to smile at me My self confidence slowly dies Responsibility's weighing me down Thoughts of suicide now easily creep in The struggles are getting real We call it the hustle Once, our trouble was picking what to eat Now, we can't see what to eat I find it hard to believe in my beliefs My faith, slowly and steadily diminishes Beliefs of my God, beliefs of an after life Beliefs of love, beliefs of happy ever after I could proudly call this my trial stage My harde...