How to melt your writer's block
It is unarguably correct that as a writer, you would have experienced writer's block at least twice. I personally have experienced it a million times that's why I was pushed to write this. I really hope it's helpful, like extremely helpful. Dive in please. In this post I'll be sharing the tips I use that help me get over my writer's block. First off, I want to make it clear and known that writer's block and writer's laziness are two different things. If you have the story idea, everything's ready in your mind but you're too lazy to pen it down then I'm sorry because all I can tell you is write it now that you can. Time isn't waiting for your laziness to pass honey. On the other hand, if you don't know how to start that story, or you're stuck somewhere and can't seem to move, welcome on board. I'll go on to discuss the tips. The first one is, Change of environment or schedule; This always seems to work for me. Bei...