These days more byes are said and it's scary. Everybody's traveling, leaving each other's sight to a place they feel is safe,. For most of us, that is home, even if it logically isn't safe.
I love it when we crack jokes about our newest rival, covid-19. I love to see the memes, I love to crack petty jokes about the pandemic, I love it when I'm with friends and we're all saying we aren't scared at all when in reality we are a second away from having that mental breakdown.
Even if we aren't scared for ourselves, we're scared for those loved ones, we're scared for our parents that are more vulnerable to it. We're scared we might never have a chance to blow, or do couple goals with our husbands and wives...(this one is not my hand writing o), or see our children and how stupid or smart they would become.
I see right through our jokes. When our lips strain from the laughter, it whispers the panic for a slight second. When we say we aren't scared, our eyes that don't tell lies messes our show up.
But still we'll laugh because our jokes are all we have left. Happiness has always been our helper, happiness has always been free—so they said—Corona shouldn't be able to take it too right?
They say happiness is a choice, so admist the fear, we choose to find a way to be happy.
I must confess, fear grips me too, my immune system might just get a million times weaker if I think for one more second but I need it stonger, we need our immune system stronger. Cheers to happiness and bye to fear and over thinking.
Say a prayer or two every once in a while, it helps with the stress too.
Let's also try to be smart and careful. Because "maracci" said don't fear, you'll now come and quote me and say, I said nothing fit happen.
It's hard to balance 'not fearing' and 'still being careful', it's hard not impossible. Let us try Biko.
Please stay safe, even if you were planning suicide (which is another scary stuff that you can talk to me about) just stay safe let's defeat this thing. Stay safe for the person that sees the need in you, for that person that tells you to stay safe and you know they mean it, please stay safe for them.
Wash your hands, and self quarantine your beautiful self for me, for him, for her, for them, for yourself.
Phases pass, this will pass and we'll meet again and crack more jokes about almighty Covid-19 that the world defeated, (dayumm see sharp name). We'd meet again, on social media, in our classes, in our offices, in our rooms, in our gatherings and we'd laugh at Corona's failure making sure to kill it the second time.
We would meet again to crack more jokes . Stay safe and strong.